Exhibition at the Herrnsheimer Schloss

Art in the park

June 15 - June 18, 2006

Participation with one large sculpture in basalt-lava (Eifel) and another one in basalt (Namibia)

The sculptures will rest probably for one year as a loan in the park.


A festival of the arts and the senses.


Description of the project

Through its segmentation into different areas the park in Worms gets its special effect; it is a place where everybody can find his or her room. There is a wide, open green that gives way to feel wide; there are the small, hidden areas where the visitor can find quiet and retreat. The visitors are manifold, children seesawing on overhanging braches, older people who leisurely wander along, others who seek movement in such a beautiful surrounding. With my contribution I want to approach the most different persons.
It is a sculpture from basalt-lava, a female sculpture that stretches out and invites to join her, to have a seat near or on her, to (conscious or subconscious) pick up together with her the vibrations of the park. Without judgement, just feeling, with joy and fun, or with one's very own mood, perhaps contemplative. Everything is wanted, everything is right. The one will find an expression for what the sculpture elicits in him, the other will feel it without words, equally effective. A contribution as an invitation to the passers-by, just an invitation, with the freedom to choose, to let oneself in, or to move on.

Reclined sculpture from the front Reclined sculpture from the side

Reclined female; 2005, basalt-lava, Eifel / Germany

The time of ear and the wide park suggest to place a female figure, stretching out in the sun. The porous material of basalt-lava stirs up the association with the human skin, although the stone itself is very hard. From the same material Hüneke in 2004 made an big sculpture in the Eifel, which remained there. He brought another 22 tons of material to his workplace where, among others, the Reclining Female was created.
(From a brochure of the exhibition)